Sunday, March 15, 2009

"mY So CaLLed fRiEnDs"

I haVe a Lot oF fRiEndS hErE….
My bEstfRiEnd, My hIghScHoOL fRiEnDs , AnD My CoLLeGe fRiEndS.

mY bEstfRiEndS….
♥ZanEta dAriCe…♥

- DOwN 2 eArtH pErsOn…
- SWeEt As aN aNgeL pErO bAd aS A DeViL
pAg AwAyOn, sAmE JuD Mi…. hehehehe…
- gUd AdViSer, gaLing jUd Ni Xa
mUtaMbaG PaG NaA kAh pRobLemA…
- God fEaRinG…
- fUn 2 Be WitH….
- U2kAn KaAu…

mAdAMi AkONg BEsTfRIeNDs pERo E2 Lng TaLagA ang Nag-iiSanG beSTfrIenD koH, sIMulA pAgKa Bata MaG bEShEeE Na Kmi…hehehe…

My hiGhsChOoL fRiEnDs…

I hAvE LoTs Of FrIeNdS iN HigHScHoOL,
PErO daLaWa LnG AnG e-MeNtIon KoH…
pAsEnXa KnG WaLaNg PiCtUreS,waLaY aVaILabLe eH…

♥ABbA jIrEh… ♥

- MAaYo pUd Ni Xa mAg AdVicE, Ma Up Lift JuD kAh…
- ENjOy KaUbAN… MaNg LiBRe mAn Gud… hahaha… tIk LaNG!
- mEMbER Sa YOuTH ReLoaD….
- BrIghT kAaU… SuKoL Mo Ug EnINgLIsH AnI tAgAm Jud mOh…
- COnCerN Au Ni Xa…
- SiNGLe sInCE bIRth AnG DrAmA Ani kAy diLi
PA Jud DAw MUsuGot IYa pApa…
- UtRo PuD pASaWaY…

♥eLiZa… ♥

- pAg KaUbaN NiMo Xa mUrAg No niD 2 wOrRy, KaY mAg CgE
Ra JuD ug TiSnGi…. mUrAG wALaY pRObLeMa….
- KaLugOn PuD….
- hiLoMOn pErO mAnIRahAY kAaU…. Sa Mga DiLi LnG nIya gAnAhAn…
- cHeERfUL…
- LamBinG kAau….
- tiNgOg MuRaG dWArf… hehehehe….
- BiBo kaUbaN….
- uLaWon…
My CoLLeGe fRiEnDs…
HAaAaAyYy…… WhA naY maS daGhaN pa anI??? KaPoy MeNtIOn Sa iLa NAmeS oi….

- bSTA kaNi AkONg MGa KLasmATes Mga KiAt…
- eNjoY KaUBan…
- sUpPorTIVe kAAu…
- mGa TaLenTed Sa kABuAng PerO taLented jUd Oi…
- mGa HaNgoL Ug PiCtUrE… AmINin…. Hahaha…
- pAck One PaCk oL mI tANan…
- MgA aSAy pud…
- mGa bLoOpERs pUD…
- MgA gWapA Ug GWapO…EhEm!
- mGa GifTED aNg MGa sEc. E…. hehehe…
- cHeErfUL…
- AcTiVe…
- fAShONisTA…
- mGA u2kAn…
- KUyaW KaaU Ug Mga WOrdS gNa GAmit….
- CoNcERn PUd Ni cLa…
- BUtaN kuNG mA2LoG…
- ShArINg Sa TanAN…

oNe Of My CoLLeGe fRiEnDs Na pArAtI kNg KaSAmA….

- LaMbIng MuRaG iRinG… hehehe…
- HiLiG muKaON, Mao TAkDAn Pud Koh…
LiNyA aNa NiYA pAg LunCH
kAy HaLf RiCE tEh…. Hehehe…
- KUyaWC Pud MaG advice….
- SEcrET KeEpER nAku…
- KAmBaL mi Sa KabUAng Ug HiLIg…
- ENjoY kUyOG…
- hiLig Pud Ug TXt…
- pALa-AwAY, SamA NaKU…
Pag-aWAyoN Ra Pud Mi…
- LaTe pUd MU.ABot Sa kLasE…
Kami raH maG RaCiNg aNa
- MaGkAsInaBot Jud MI sa MgA eHem….
aMo Na LnG 2…

♥ iRa MaE…♥

- SpeLL bUT.An?? hehehe… haaaay….
DiLi kAbaLO muSUkoL… sObRA kAbUuTan…
- hILomOn KAaU…PeRO KuyAW Pud LagEh MUtiRA….
Da bESt KaaU mUtIra… iDoL
kaAu…! Pa-AtIK kAAu…
- cHeeRFuL…
- iNOcEnTi KaAU…
- SimPLe kAaU Na GurL…
- MuTumAn Jud Xa Sa iYa PaREntS, Kay KUroG Xa sA iLa…
- cGe RA pANgayO Ug pAhuMOT… SAgoL2x Na IYanG gi-BuTANG
Sa IyANg LaWAs…
- aDDiCT Ug TwiLiGHt…
- bAg AnA niYA pURo CoSè…
- yAgA2x-On PuD….


- VoLLeYbaLL PlAyEr… sPiKe Daw BeH…!
- hiLig Ug hAzEL NuTS… nAmE pLaNG… dBa??
- LoNg LeGgED aU Oi…
- ULaWon pUd, TaWAgi gUd Sa
kLaSe dBaH RaToL NaH… (pReSEnT Ma’Am) hehehe…
- bhAnGz kAau Ug BuhOK…
- Ms. LaCoSte aNd cOnVerSE BiYA nA Xa…
tAkE a LoOk sA gAmiT… eHem! PWedE Ma-uLaW??? Hehehe…
- aStIg KaAu MuLaKaW… StRAiGHt kAAu… mUrAg KaWAyAN…
- pA-InOcEnTi ePeK… hehehe…
- hiLoM Sa kLaSe, sAbA pAg gAwas…
- gA-CaRe pUd DiAY ga-HiLom2x LnG…
pAnG-nGuHIt pUd LaGeH… Ay CgE hiLom2x dRa…


- TiGer ZoNE Na Xa… BeWare Jud Moh…. Hahaha…
- gErmAn KaaU Ug NaWOng…
- eXpERiEncE In LyF??? aW! Hehe…
- sA LOvE 50/50…
- YagA2X-On pUd Na XA…
- HiLiG Ug ChAT2x…
- Sa TxT?? REkLaMadOR kAAu kAy Cge Ra
Daw Xa kAWatAN Sa sMArt…
- HiGHbLoOd pAnAGsa…
- KuYAw KaAU Na xA mUKatAWa…
- tAWag Sa Iya SA Mga LaPOk kAy IdoL…

♥ AiLeA…♥

- sImpLE gUrL…
- pALa-AwAY dIn…
- iLonGgo Kay TGa TAcURoNG maN… Haw..???? hehehe…
- LaGe Na LnG PInA pAaYos AnG BuhOk… REjOIce ModEL…
- StIck 2 One At LoYaL Sa Bf NiyA…
- BukAnG BibiG nYa… “aYokO, BuAnGit, tIkaLon”
- uMiiYak knG SuNGugON… hehehe…
- mKa hELLo KittY kaAU…
- MabAIt PAg MA2Log… hARsh PAG GisiNG…
- SpeCIaL poWer NIya??? KUrRroooooooooootttttttttttttt………

WeLL…. DAmI aKonG fRIenDS pERo KaPOy NA kaaYO mention knG KinSA cLA… pAsenXA Sa wALa Na mENtion… sUnoD na LnG… hehehe….

I’M so BlEssED tHAt I have friends like them….WaNnA THanK them fOr The fRiENdSHip TheY OffeR WiTH Me…

Uhmmm…. To MY fRIenDS, Lam NYo Nah KNg Cnu Kayo…
I’m SO haPpy thAt We mEt EacH OthERS.. We Both kNws tHat EaCh Of us HaS iT’S oWn UniQue cHAraCTerIStiCS…

mAsKi DagHaN kAAu Tag MGa IsSuE, cOnfLicTS, MiSuNdERstANdINgs, AnD sOmE sHOrt ComINgs (GaGmAy Nga buTAng, mGa WaLaY pULoS nGa bUTanG pUD, bOuT pUd Sa ATtiTuDEs, ug BoUt LoVe2x). sTiLL I tReaSuRE yOu All HeRE In My HeARt aNd WiLL aLwAyS Be My fRiENdS… Ug MaSKi diLi Tah MagKAsINabOT paNAgSA StILL NevER fADes Our ReLaTionShip... eVerYTimE Nah iSa SA aTo-a nAay pRobLEmS, BaCk Up DaYoN aNg TaNaN… MuSuPPOrtA Jud Ug tOdO2x wAy pAg DuHA2x… BaStA mAg KuYog Na GaNI TaH tANan, aAaAHhH….! hAStANg LiNGawA….! WALaY UnDanG kINatAW-an, mASkI sa DaLan Pah… LaNgOb BIyA kAAu Ug MGa TinGoG! I BeLiEVe tHAt We Are DesTinED 2 Be FriENds… aNd I thank God For LeTTing Him cRoSs Our PaThS….

T- tHrOuGHoUt tHe YeARs wEvE bEeN fRIenDs
H- hAvInG bEaUtIfUL MeMoRiES AnD
A- aImInG To ReaCH tHe SamE gOaL To SuCCCeSS
N- nO OnE cAn StOP Us FroM
K- kNoWiNg & sHaRiNg(cOdIgO, AnSweRs, & SeCrETs) eAcH oTHer CoZ iT
S- sErVeS As A kEy tO StRenGHtEN OuR fRIeNdShIP nOw aNd FoReVer…

♥♥LoVe YoU My FriENds!!! Mmmwwwaaahhh…. ♥♥

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

"WhAt's wIth mY nAmE???"

WhAt’s WiTH My NamE???

hMmMmMm….. hEdIe, HeDz, hIdI,
hEiDi, dEe,

HaY NaKu… LiBoG kAaU… My FrIenDs CaLLed Me hEDz aNd My MoThER will onLy CaLL Me WiTH my fULL nAmE hEDiE, wHeN sHe will Be Mad At Me…

WeLL…, I Can TeLL 2 My SeLf THaT my NamE Is Very UnIqUe… MaDaMI nGanG kApAreHo KOh Na NaMe PeRo IbA aNg PaG pRoNouNCE At AnG sPeLLIng iBa DIn… tRy TO SeARCh ON thE internet, DbA wLa aKonG sAmE Na SpeLLIng… cOrRecTioNaN Ka LnG…!

I’M vERy THaNKFUL To My PaREnTS wHo GaVe Me THiS kINd Of NaME…
iT sOoTHe peOpLe wHen LiStENing To My NaMe… mAnY pEoPLe MiSpRoNOunCE My NamE , ThAt’S wHy I LoVed My Name BecAUse tHey Find It HaRD To PrONounCE It vERy WeLL… hehehe….

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Heal it with a Smile

When the world falls, and you’re in trouble

Crying the last tear drop, even if it destroys your heart

Expect someone to come, but he’s gone…

Relax, don’t worry and feel free

Express your inner feeling’, and rest for a while

Then just heal it all with a SMILE.

When you’re alone and need someone to lean on

And no friend, but lover’s mend

But he’s so far away and can’t reach for you for a day.

You don’t know what to do and feels like crazy too.

Just hold on, look on the sky and feel high

Then just heal it all with a PERFECT SMILE.

When problem comes from now and then

It’s unexpected and finds yourself unprotected

You stumble and find you’re puzzled

You have so much way, but it seems they all sway

Find no more answers, but prayers.

Don’t feel so futile; heal it all with a SARCASTIC SMILE.

When you’re broken hearted and full of hatred

Feels your heart is squeezed, cut piece by piece

You want to cheer up and stand up with all your might

But still you fall and craving for someone to call

You don’t need to grin to be delighted, but rather it’s me that you needed

I will dine with you and will love you…

More than he does for you.

Suvive Yeap!

Every person’s life goes rough and tough, and about to give up… but remember “Ang taong talawan, walay pa-ingnan”.

“do not afraid of the things of what LOOSER says “FAILURE” but afraid of the things you missed when you don’t even try”.

In this vast universe, competition is existing. All of us have given equal 24hrs, 7 days a week, and 12 months in a year. We all laugh, we all cry, we all have sufferings, so, we should make a move on how we will be able to survive, and as Charles Darwin’s motto will help us “Survival of the fittest, the elimination of the unfit”.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Why i choose nursing???

Nursing??? such a nice word to hear ,but full of strength to bear...
well, i chose nursing as my profession because i want to help other people especially my family and friends. i want to serve those people who can't help themselves in the matter of health. i also want to go to abroad if ever there is a chance to test my fate in other country, but above all this i want to help others by using all my skills that I've learned and will learned.